Tourist Facilities. Where to Stay?
There are tourist class hotels & lodges in Bahir Dar city. Here is the list of tourist recommended hotels in the destination
Hotels (Tourist Standard and star rated)
There are some standard star and rated hotels in the Bahir Dar
No | Name of hotel | city | star | Telephone |
1 | Addis Amba | B/Dar | 3 | 0582205353 |
2 | Asinora | B/Dar | 3 | 0582209225 |
3 | Benmas | B/Dar | 3 | 0583201010 |
4 | Blue Nile resort & spa(Avanti) | Bahir Dar | 4 | 0582209225 |
5 | Delano | B/Dar | 3 | 0582200622 0930352720/ 0919798080 |
6 | Grand | B/Dar | 3 | 0582209225 |
7 | Homeland | B/Dar | 3 | 090918341110 /0918340022 |
8 | Jacaranda | B/Dar | 4 | 0582209899 |
9 | Lakemark | B/Dar | 1 | 0582201211,0930352700/ 0918141669 |
10 | Naky
| B/Dar | 4 | 0583200075 0911819261 / 0901000001/0918760075 |
11 | Papyrus | B/Dar | 2 | (251) 058 220 51 00
12 | Rahn Nile | B/Dar | 3 | 0582207478 |
13 | Solyana | B/Dar | 2 | 0583206222, 0910129629 /0930415899 |
14 | Water front | B/Dar | 2 | 0583205056, 0918560295 /0930416484 |