About Culture and tourism Bureau

Seeing the culture and tourism sector as one of the primary economic and social development base; contributing 20 percent of the regional Gross Domestic Product in 2030.

By identifying, studying, preserving, developing and promoting the cultural, historical and natural tourism resources available in the region; enhancing their contribution to the overall economic, social, political and environmental development of  peoples in the region.

  • Hospitability
  • Respect diversity
  • Strive for change
  • Outstanding service
  • Participation
  • Priority for the public interest
  • Transparency
  • Accountability

Duty and responsibility

As stated in Amhara Region’s Act No. 280/2014 to amend the duties and responsibilities of executive bodies, the Culture and Tourism Office of the region has the following detailed powers and duties, without prejudice to what is already prescribed by other laws or will be prescribed in the future:-

1. Generates policies, strategies and legal frameworks that ensure the continuity of tourism development, prepares a detailed program for its implementation in line with the regional and national development direction, and implements it when approved;  

2. Promotes tourism by promoting the region’s good image and tourism resources in the country and abroad;

3. By identifying and promoting the region’s tourism, community-based and eco-tourism attractions, they will be organized and developed in a way that is convenient for the tourism market; 

4. By carrying out tourism market research, identifying the activities of stakeholders, searching for the tourism market and creating market linkages, it increases the sector’s economic share;

6. Identifying the level of heritage of the region and developing new tourism attractions, developing existing ones with infrastructure so that they can be registered as international heritage when they meet the criteria, maintenance and care of heritage, and providing professional support; 

7. Conducts tourism market research and coordinates branding activities;

8. Promotes sports, exhibition and conference tourism in the region.

9. The region’s natural and man-made attractions are studied, protected and used for tourism; 

10. The sector will be supported by technology, research, and its contribution to the economy of the region will grow, and it will monitor its performance;

11. National parks, parks, sanctuaries, communal sanctuaries, and wildlife sanctuaries in the region will be developed for tourism and generate economic benefits for the community;

12. Works in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Authority regarding tourism access and tourism services in parks and other restricted areas in the region;

13. Develop a system to increase the participation and role of the private sector in the development of the tourism sector, and create a favorable environment for performance;

14. determines the standards of tourist service providers;

15. Provides service qualification certification to entities engaged in the hotel and tourism sector in the region;

16. Evaluates project proposals for star hotels and similar services in the tourism sector in the region and forwards them to those concerned to issue investment permits;

17. Works in cooperation with partners in order to be able to provide quality tourism products and services from tourism actors, i.e. government, society, association and private entities; 

18. facilitates the Regional Tourism Council to play its expected role;

19. Identifies tangible and intangible heritage, records it, works in cooperation with various stakeholders and partners to prevent the circulation of illegal heritage and recover stolen goods.

20. He works in cooperation with the relevant parties to have the legal scope of possession of heritage, certification of possession and management plan.

21. determines the payment rate of visitors’ entrance and other service fees at tourism destinations and attractions in the region;

22. Collects, compiles, analyze and distribute tourism-related information in the region; 

23. In collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and the Regional Planning and Development Office, a system will be developed to integrate the Tourism Satellite Account into the regional and national economic account system. 

24. He studies the cultural values ​​of the region and strives to develop the good cultural aspect;

25. Works with various governmental and non-governmental organizations by involving the society so that harmful customs and immigrant cultures are removed and valuable cultural values ​​spread in the region;

26. Inspires and encourage cultural groups and art and craft clubs to be organized in the region and actively participate in the development of the culture and the tourism industry;

27. Promotes the expansion of cultural institutions in the region, grants professional qualification certification licenses to those engaged in the sector, monitors and supervises the performance;

28. The history and culture of the nations and peoples living in the region will be well documented and studied, and their languages ​​will develop and spread;

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